「ebwh00211 神奈川県三浦市の本屋で働くごく普通の女子大生の凄いカラダ 凄い性欲 福原みな AVデビュー」の動画

「ebwh00211 神奈川県三浦市の本屋で働くごく普通の女子大生の凄いカラダ 凄い性欲 福原みな AVデビュー」の紹介文
今回、E-BODYに応募してくれた福原みなは、普段本屋でアルバイトする、一見もの静かで地味な見た目の現役女子大生。昭和レトロな空間が好きで、休みの日は喫茶店に行き、クラシックなケーキとともに時間を過ごす…。でも、そんな彼女は内面にとんでもない性欲を秘めていた。志望動機は‘最高に気持ちいいSEXがしたい’から。幼少期の頃から募らせてきたという肉欲を満たしてほしい…。しかも、彼女はひとたび脱がせば小声で話す容姿からは想像できない、170cm/B 90(Hcup)/W64/H89 という高身長、色白のイマドキパーフェクトボディ。凄いカラダの凄い性欲がAVの世界で開花する瞬間を、ぜひご覧あれ。
-Talents exist closer than you can imagine-
Mina Fukuhara, who applied for E-BODY this time, is an active female college student who usually works part-time at a bookstore and has a quiet and sober appearance at first glance. I like Showa retro spaces, and on my days off, I go to coffee shops and spend time with classic cakes. However, she had a ridiculous sexual desire inside. My motivation for applying is ‘I want to have the most pleasant SEX’. I want you to satisfy the carnal desire that you have been growing since you were a child … Moreover, once she takes it off, she is 170cm / B 90 (Hcup) / W64 / H89, which is tall and fair-skinned perfect body, which cannot be imagined from her appearance that speaks in a small voice. Please take a look at the moment when the amazing sexual desire of a great body blossoms in the AV world.