「fan270 しほ」の動画
「fan270 しほ」の紹介文
シホさん41歳。結婚15年目専業主婦。旦那44歳会社員。息子14 歳(中学3年)。会社員時代、優しく指導してくれていた当時上司だった夫と何となく関係を持ち、後に出来ちゃった結婚をする。夫はそこそこ稼ぎがありシホさんは専業主婦。今は好きでもないし嫌いでもなくセックスは10年近くしていない。夫がオナニーをした形跡は見つけたことがあり、益々したくなくなった。浮気は過去に2回あるがその時だけの関係。普段はオナニーで性欲を解消している。セックスレスというのも浮気する理由のひとつではあるが、思春期の息子の反抗期がすごくて「ババア」と言われる度に女としての自分の尊厳を失われているようで悲しい気持ちになってしまう。まだまだ女性としての喜びを感じたい。男の人も喜ばせたい、エッチな自分を満たして欲しい…そんな感情が湧き上がって来た。
Shiho is 41 years old. She has been married for 15 years and is a full-time housewife. Husband, 44 years old, office worker. My son is 14 years old (3rd year of junior high school). When she was a company employee, she had a relationship with her husband, who was her boss at the time, who was gently guiding her, and later got married. Her husband earns a decent amount of money, and Shiho is a full-time housewife. I don’t like it now, I don’t hate it, and I haven’t had sex in almost 10 years. I had found evidence that my husband had masturbated, and I didn’t want to do it anymore. I’ve had an affair twice in the past, but only that time. I usually get rid of my sexual desire by masturbating. Sexlessness is one of the reasons for cheating, but my adolescent son is so rebellious that every time he is called “babaa”, I feel sad that I seem to be losing my dignity as a woman. I still want to feel the joy of being a woman. I want to please men, I want you to satisfy your naughty self … Such emotions welled up.