「oreco613 しお」の動画

「oreco613 しお」の紹介文
姉弟、高額賞金をかけて野球拳対決!姉:しおさん 23才(OL)弟:たくみ君 21才(童貞)「裸みたとて勃起しないと思いますw」「興奮はしないですね~家族なんでw」お互い大人になって成熟した今、その理屈は通用しないことを知らずか企画に挑戦。しかしすぐさま前言撤回wこんなに大きくなる?と二度見してしまほど勃起する弟チンポwまぁ童貞だから仕方のないことですが、完全に発情してしまっていますね。さらに驚くべきは、そのびんびんちんぽに照れつつも追い発情してしまっている姉wその後はもう、いわゆる激しい近親セックスに発展w童貞卒業、姉弟の仲が深まって良かったね!といいたいところですが、今後の家族関係が気になりますね。最初はバラティのつもりでしたが、以降はドキュメンタリーとしてこの姉弟を追っていこうと思いますw
Siblings face off against baseball fists for a big prize! Older sister: Shio-san 23 years old (OL) Younger brother: Takumi-kun 21 years old (virgin) “I don’t think I get an erection when I see it naked w” “I’m not excited ~ I’m a family w” Now that both of us have matured as adults, we don’t know that logic doesn’t work, so we challenged the plan. However, he immediately retracted his previous statement w Will it be so big? My younger brother’s that erects so much that I look at it twice w Well, it’s unavoidable because I’m a virgin, but I’m completely in estrus. What’s even more surprising is that my sister who is embarrassed by the bottle but is in heat w After that, it has already developed into so-called intense incest sex w Virginity graduation, I’m glad that the relationship between the siblings has deepened! I’d like to say that, but I’m worried about my family relationship in the future. At first, I thought it was going to be Bharati, but after that, I’m going to follow this sibling as a documentary w