「ikuiku024 はる」の動画
「ikuiku024 はる」の紹介文
新卒美女をお店のすみっこで勝手に大開発! うなるマシンバイブ! スーツはローションと潮まみれ! マジックミラーの向こうで心配そうな彼氏! 今回のターゲットは、上司(実は恋人関係)と来店したネットベンチャーのハルさん。――まずは彼女を孤立させて、電マで全身の感度分析。しっかり弱みをつかんだらスタッフ総出でナメ回し。よき頃合いで大出力マシンバイブをキツマンへずっぽりエントリー! ほら、上司に聞こえちゃっていいの? 声を殺してイけばイくほど快感が深まって、恥ずかしい腰ふりが止められない様子。異常快楽を覚えちゃった汗だく美ボディに種付けプレス! スタッフ一同の特濃ザーメンカクテル、いくらでも子宮で飲んでってね!
A new graduate beauty is developed without permission in the corner of the store! Growling machine vibes! The suit is covered with lotion and tide! A worried boyfriend behind the magic mirror! The target this time is Haru, an online venture company who came to the store with his boss (actually a lover). ――First of all, isolate her and analyze the sensitivity of her whole body with an electric massage machine. Once you grasp the weak points, all the staff will go out and turn them around. – Entry of a high-output machine vibrator to Kitsuman at a good time! Look, can my boss hear me? – The more you kill your voice and get acme, the more your pleasure deepens, and it seems that you can’t stop shaking your embarrassing hips. – Seeding press on a sweaty beautiful body that has learned abnormal pleasure! All the staff’s special thick semen cocktails, drink as much as you want in the womb!